HEI Research Planning Workshop #1: Understanding Population-Level Exposures Related to the Development of Oil and Natural Gas from Unconventional Resources, July 2018, Denver, CO

July 11, 2018 - July 12, 2018

The purpose of HEI’s Energy Research Program is to identify and conduct high-priority research on the potential population exposures and health effects from the onshore development of oil and natural gas from shale and other unconventional resources (UOGD) across the United States.

The workshop provided an opportunity for the Energy Research Committee to hear from a broad range of stakeholders about their expert opinions and perspectives on the literature, important knowledge gaps, and research priorities along with the criteria used to define the priorities. The Committee will consider information received during the workshop as it conducts its own review of the literature and formulates research priorities for population-level exposure research.


Welcome & Introduction

George Hornberger
Vanderbilt University
Shari Dunn-Norman
Missouri University of Science and Technology

Overview of Exposure Assessment Literature

Moderator: Judy LaKind

CAPT Bradley King
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
John Adgate
Colorado School of Public Health

Industry Trends and Related Research

Adam Pacsi
Chevron Energy Technology Company
Michael McCawley
West Virginia University

Perspectives on Regulatory Trends

Moderator: Robert O'Keefe

Panel discussion with Martha Rudolph, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment; Michael Honeycutt, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; Nichole Saunders, Environmental Defense Fund. 

Group Exercise #1

All Workshop Participants

Group Exercise #1: What criteria should be used to prioritize research recommendations?

Air Quality Literature

Moderator: Armistead (Ted) Russell

David Allen
University of Texas at Austin
Jeffrey Collett
Colorado State University
Tiffany Bredfeldt
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Recap from Previous Day

Water Quality Literature

George Hornberger
Vanderbilt University
Isabelle Cozzarelli
United States Geological Survey
Cloelle Danforth
Environmental Defense Fund
Daniel Soeder
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Group Exercise #2

All Workshop Participants

Group Exercise #2: What potential human exposure would you study if you were given $2 million for research?

Human Health Risk Assessment

Lisa McKenzie
Colorado School of Public Health
Mike Van Dyke
Colorado School of Public Health


Donna Vorhees

Next steps in research planning and opportunities for continued participation.

Participant Posters

Workshop participants received an invitation to display posters at the Workshop. The following posters were displayed throughout the Workshop. There was no formal poster presentation session.

Gilman et al. 2018
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Aerodyne Research Inc.; University of Calgary
McMullin et al. 2017
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Bamber et al. 2017
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Bamber et al. 2017
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
McClellan & Snipes 2018
Inhalation Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Fabisiak et al. 2018
University of Pittsburgh; Millman Cancer Institute (UPMC)
Uni Blake
American Petroleum Institute
Helmig et al. 2018
University of Colorado, Boulder; Boulder County Public Health


The Westin Denver Downtown
1672 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO 80202
United States


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