A Groundwater Modeling Framework for Elucidating Community Exposures Across the Marcellus Region to Contamination Associated with Oil and Gas Development

James Saiers
Yale University

The research team will build and test a model for understanding residential well water vulnerability to contamination from unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) across the Marcellus region. This analysis will increase the understanding of risk to groundwater quality using publicly available data describing UOGD spills. The investigators will achieve their goal by:

  1. Modeling residential drinking water well vulnerability to contamination from UOGD sources over time across the Marcellus region. The model will describe how contaminants move in the subsurface.
  2. Using the model to understand the likelihood that specific UOGD spills will contaminate the water in residential wells.
  3. Refining the model and assessing its performance with statistical analyses using the characteristics of documented cases of UOGD spills and known contamination at well locations.


Saires map
James Saiers
Yale University

Research Team

James Saiers
Yale University
James Saiers

Project Updates

Saiers Quarterly Update - September 2024

A Groundwater Modeling Framework for Elucidating Community Exposures Across the Marcellus Region to Contamination Associated with Oil and Gas Development

James Saiers

The research team will build and test a model for understanding residential well water vulnerability to contamination from unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) across the Marcellus region. This analysis will increase the understanding of risk to groundwater quality using publicly available data describing UOGD spills. The investigators will achieve their goal by:

  1. Modeling residential drinking water well vulnerability to contamination from UOGD sources over time across the Marcellus region. The model will describe how contaminants move in the subsurface.
  2. Using the model to understand the likelihood that specific UOGD spills will contaminate the water in residential wells.
  3. Refining the model and assessing its performance with statistical analyses using the characteristics of documented cases of UOGD spills and known contamination at well locations.


What's Happened

  • Acquired data from Ohio Department of Natural Resources about spills from oil and gas wells.
  • Filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with West Virginia to obtain data about spills from oil and gas wells. 
  • Requested and received information from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for accessing data about spills from oil and gas wells.  •Collected water quality data from Yale WATER Study. 
  • Presented the rationale for the study and research plan in a poster session at HEI's 2024 Annual Conference.

What's New

  • Processing data received from state agencies on spill locations and characteristics. 
  • Commencing development of a regional-scale groundwater flow model to support estimates of drinking water vulnerability to unconventional oil and gas (UOG) contamination.  
  • Acquiring additional sources of data on well water quality for Pennsylvania.

What's Next

  • Continue expansion of geographic coverage of groundwater flow and particle-tracking model, collect and harmonize data on groundwater levels and discharge, and calibrate the expanded model against these hydrologic observations to enable predictions of drinking water vulnerability across the 220,000 km2 area covering the Marcellus Shale region.  
  • Complete acquisition and database development for UOG spills.
  • Complete acquisition and quality-control checks on groundwater impairment data. 

Upcoming Events:

  • The research team will present a poster titled “A groundwater modeling framework for elucidating drinking-water vulnerability to contamination by wastewater spills from oil and gas development” at the Geological Society of America Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, CA on September 22-27, 2024. 
  • The research team will present another poster titled “Towards a risk-triage platform for assessing potential groundwater contamination from fossil fuel extraction” at the American Geophysical Union Conference in Washington, DC on December 9-13, 2024.
Saiers Quarterly Update - June 2024

A Groundwater Modeling Framework for Elucidating Community Exposures Across the Marcellus Region to Contamination Associated with Oil and Gas Development

James Saiers

The research team will build and test a model for understanding residential well water vulnerability to contamination from unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) across the Marcellus region. This analysis will increase the understanding of risk to groundwater quality using publicly available data describing UOGD spills. The investigators will achieve their goal by:

  1. Modeling residential drinking water well vulnerability to contamination from UOGD sources over time across the Marcellus region. The model will describe how contaminants move in the subsurface.
  2. Using the model to understand the likelihood that specific UOGD spills will contaminate the water in residential wells.
  3. Refining the model and assessing its performance with statistical analyses using the characteristics of documented cases of UOGD spills and known contamination at well locations.


What's Happened

  • Launched the study on April 1, 2024.
  • Presented a scientific research poster at the HEI Annual Conference 2024 in Philadelphia, PA, April 28-30.

What's New

  • Acquiring data on hydrogeologic conditions, drinking water quality, and UOGD well pad locations and spills in the Marcellus Shale region.
  • Commence development of a regional-scale groundwater flow model to support estimates of drinking water vulnerability to UOGD contamination across the Marcellus Shale region.

What's Next

  • Calibrate and test the regional-scale groundwater flow model with data on groundwater levels, land-surface expressions of the water table, and groundwater discharges to streams.
  • Link calibrated groundwater flow model with particle-tracking model to simulate the transport of UOGD fluids away from well pads and analyze transport pathways to quantify vulnerability to drinking water sources.