Isabelle Cozzarelli


USGS Geology, Energy, & Minerals Science Center in Reston, VA.

Dr. Cozzarelli is a Research Hydrologist in the USGS Geology, Energy, & Minerals Science Center in Reston, VA. She specializes in interdisciplinary long-term research on the fate and effects of organic contaminants in surface and subsurface environments. Her research focuses on coupled hydrogeological, microbiological, and geochemical processes controlling reactions in hydrogeologic systems and fundamental understanding of biodegradation and contaminant biogeochemical cycles in order to protect water quality and ecosystem health.  

She has served as Adjunct faculty in Virginia Tech’s Department of Geosciences and on a number of scientific journal editorial boards. She received the USGS Meritorious Service Award in 2017 and, in 2023, she received the “Friend of Water-Rock Interaction & Applied Isotope Geochemistry Award” from the International Association of Geochemistry.  

Dr. Cozzarelli was a member of International Advisory Board for the Danish GEOCON (Advancing GEOlogical, geophysical and CONtaminant monitoring technologies) multi-institution study for the period 2014-2018. Dr. Cozzarelli is an elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America. She holds a B.S. in Geomechanics from the University of Rochester, and a M.S. and PhD. in Environmental Sciences-Geochemistry from the University of Virginia.